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- For Kennel & Cattery Owners
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Irish Boarding Kennels & Cattery Association
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- For Kennel & Cattery Owners
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- For Kennel & Cattery Owners
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Irish Boarding Kennels & Cattery Association
About the IBKCA
About the Irish Boarding Kennel & Cattery Association
The Irish Boarding Kennels & Cattery Association (IBKCA) was formed in late 2006 by a group of Dog Kennels and Cattery owners who were concerned by the lack of standards and support within the Irish Dog and Cat Boarding Kennel Industry. Our aim is to support and encourage our members in their endeavor to provide top quality animal care. All approved registered IBKCA members undertake to commit to the Code of Ethics of the IBKCA, which can be found below.
Our Mission
To establish a standard of excellence in all IBKCA approved establishments.Our Aim
To support and encourage our members in their endeavors to provide top quality animal care.
All approved registered IBKCA members undertake to commit to the IBKCA’s Code of Ethics, as well as Defra’s Five Freedoms, which are:
- Freedom from hunger and thirst: by ready access to fresh water and a diet to maintain full health and vigour.
- Freedom from discomfort: by providing an appropriate environment including shelter and a comfortable resting area.
- Freedom from pain, injury or disease: by prevention through rapid diagnosis and treatment.
- Freedom to express normal behaviour: by providing sufficient space, proper facilities and company of the animal’s own kind.
- Freedom from fear and distress: by ensuring conditions and treatment which avoid mental suffering.
Meeting our Customer's Needs
If you need boarding for your dog or cat you want to be confident your pet will receive the best possible care in your absence. You need someone who will provide a high standard of care for your dog or cat – always being attentive to their safety, comfort and well-being. For your peace of mind an IBKCA approved and listed Boarding Kennels or Cattery must provide the service it proclaims to offer.
Information on setting up your own kennels or cattery
In Ireland each County Council has different guidelines in relation to kennels and catteries, such as planning permission, waste disposal, licensing requirements etc. As a result, we can only give general advice on these topics. If you are planning on building or upgrading a kennels or cattery we would recommend that you contact your local Council in the first instance who can inform you of the requirements in your area. You may also find it helpful to visit established businesses in your area.
All Kennels in Ireland, including boarding kennels, fall under the Dog Breeding Establishments Act 2010 which sets out the minimum requirements for construction, maintenance, operation and management of kennels in Ireland. Anyone planning to start a kennels should be familiar with the legislation, an accessible version of which can be found here: http://www.corkcity.ie/services/recreationsport/doglicensinganddogownership/dogbreedingestablishmentsact2010/Dog%20Breeding%20Establishments%20Guidelines.doc
You may also find the UK guidelines, the CIEH Model License Conditions and Guidance for Dog Boarding Establishments to be helpful: https://www.cieh.org/WorkArea/DownloadAsset.aspx?id=59652
As there are currently no regulations in regards to catteries in Ireland we recommend that our members follow the UK's CIEH Model License Conditions and Guidance for Cat Boarding Establishment 2013 which can be found here: https://www.cieh.org/WorkArea/DownloadAsset.aspx?id=59750
There are also a number of books that provide excellent information on kennel and cattery design for anyone who is thinking of starting a business. We recommend:
Kennel Design: The Essential Guide to Creating Your Perfect Kennels by David Key and Gwen Bailey; Essential Kennel Design by David Key;
and Cattery Design: The Essential Guide to Creating Your Perfect Cattery by David Key. As these books are quite expensive we suggest that you look first in your local library.
Finally, we welcome new members who are passionate about animal care and committed to improving standards and providing the highest level of care and service. If you would like to become a member of the IBKCA you can find more information and an application form on our website: https://www.ibkca.ie/become-a-member
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